Bible Study
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
**** Next class will be Wednesday 19th, 2025 ****
Study Book: Nehemiah - The Courage to Face Opposition
Scripture: Nehemiah 12
Class Content:
On Wednesday February 12th, we by God’s grace were able to continue the study of the book of Nehemiah.
We focused on Ne 12.
We had a deep discussion on who Meshullam was in Ne12:25 and the importance of the role of guarding the storerooms and how the name Meshullam means “reconciled” and “renewed friendship”. This got us in a broader discussion regarding the importance of acknowledging those in roles such as janitors, cafeteria workers, etc.. for it takes all in the body of Christ to work together in unity and how it is important to recognize all the gifts within the body of Christ; how we should never downplay the gifts of helps and service while favoring the gift of leadership. All gifts must work together for the good of the whole.
We discussed the dedication ceremony and how the community came together in a profound moment of joy and gratitude following the wall’s completion and how it embodied the collective spirit of restoration and divine favor that the people feel after enduring years of hardship and exile. We also discussed the importance of roles such as those that rejoice in singing.
Finally, one member of the class gave a personal testimony of how a short term disappointment was likely a long term blessing and the importance of waiting on the Lord and celebrating in our faith while waiting.
Next, we will continue our study with Ne12:1-47 and will start with question 7 on page 40 of the study guide.
Our next study will be the book of Ezra, followed by Esther, and Acts.
Please let Cecil Haney know if you need a study guide and we will work to get you one for this Bible Study. Please join us.
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